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NT-MDT is excited to extend an EXCLUSIVE INVITATION for you to participate at our workshop at the GRAND HOTEL PALATINO, Rome, Italy ,June 17th 2016 focusing on techniques of AFM, Raman and Techniques of Advanced AFM, Super resolution imaging – Tip Enhanced Raman Scattering (TERS).

In addition to the talks we will be able to provide and demonstrate measurements on the Ntegra Platform, and TITANIUM devices.

This workshop is Free of Charge for all attendees 

Please respond to Ms. Sinéad Quinn Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.or Dr. Sergey Lemeshko Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.  to confirm your attendance.



  • ·Advanced Electrical measurements using new AFM controller with integrated 5 lock-in amplifiers;
  • ·Nonresonance technique (mechanical properties and topography) using the unique Hybrid  Mode;
  • ·Unique integrated AFM/Confocal/Raman/SNOM system;
  • ·TERS (Tip Enhanced Raman Scattering, nano Raman) applications: LIVE demonstration of super-resolution Raman imaging on variety of samples;
  • ·System for automated AFM measurements with unique Revolution Multiprobe Cartridge System (TITANIUM);
  • Applications with Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM)..

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Sergey.jpg Ntegra
Ntegra is a multifunctional Platform for performing the most typical tasks in the field of Scanning Probe Microscopy. The device is capable of performing more than 40 measuring methods, what allows analyzing physical and chemical properties of the surface with high precision and resolution. It is possible to carry out experiments in air, as well as in liquids and in controlled environment. The new generation electronics provides operations in high-frequency (up to 5MHz) modes. This feature appears to be principal for the work with high-frequency AFM modes and using high-frequency cantilevers.* There are several scanning types implemented in NTEGRA Prima: scanning by the sample, scanning by the probe and dual-scanning. On account of that, the system is ideal for investigating small samples with ultra-high resolution (atomic-molecular level) as well as for big samples and scanning range up to 100x100x10 µm.
leesment901.jpg TITANIUM
Multiprobe Cartridge AFM TITANIUM allows users to carry out comprehensive measurements in continuous automated mode using 7 types of cantilevers (total of 40 pieces) in temperature-controlled conditions, providing a record low drift and utmost resolution.

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Sergey.jpg Dr. Sergei Magonov
CEO of NT-MDT America. Dr. Magonov is involved in scanning probe microscopy activities since 1988 as the Head of STM/AFM laboratory (FMF, Freiburg University) and principal scientist in Digital Instruments, Veeco Co and Agilent. Recent developments and applications include single-pass electric modes, Hybrid mode, PLL and many more...”
leesment901.jpg Dr. Sergey Lemeshko 
Application scientist of NT-MDT Co, working with us for almost 20 years in methods developments, scientific projects managements and technical sales

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June 17th 2016   
9:00 - 9:20 Registration    
9:20 - 9:25 Workshop Opening; Ms Sinéad Quinn    
9:25 - 10:15 Opening Talk - Dr. Sergey Magonov - "Compositional imaging of complex materials with atomic force microscopy “    
10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 11:10

Dr Sergey Lemeshko - Reliable TERS probes based on Si cantilevers for nanoRaman imaging and nano-IR sSNOM.,

11.10 - 12:00 Dr. Sergey Magonov - “Multifrequencies AFM for Electrical characterisation “,    
12.00-13:00 Lunch    
13.00-17:00 Live Presentation of the systems Ntegra Platform & TITANIUM.    
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