
A dual mode RGA system for vacuum diagnostics and process monitoring without differential pumping

Measures the residual gases, process contaminates and provides for leak detection

The Hiden HMT quadrupole mass spectrometer is a unique dual mode RGA system capable of operating at pressures up to 4 x 10-3 mbar without the need for differential pumping. Operation at this pressure is achieved using a specially designed ion source/quadrupole filter combination and software which corrects for abundance non-linearity. The unique high pressure specification makes the HMT ideal for process monitoring applications.


The HMT can also operate in RGA mode in the same way as a traditional quadrupole RGA. Faraday / electron multiplier detectors provide partial pressure sensitivities in the 10-13 mbar range.



Mass range

100 amu

HMT - high pressure RGA mode

Operation to 5 x 10-3 mbar

RGA - mode

Detection to 2 X 10-13 mbar

Leak detection mode

Set to use helium search gas as standard

Mounting flange

DN-35-CF (70mm OD Conflat type)

Detector (Standard)

Faraday cup

Detector (Optional) 

Electron multiplier